NALS of Portland (Oregon)


NALS of Portland (Oregon) is the local component of a three-tiered association stemming from NALS…National Association for Legal Support Professionals at the national level and NALS of Oregon at the state level.  NALS of Portland (Oregon) strives to provide continued education, promoting a high order of professional standards and ethics amongst those engaged in legal work.  We support the journey of legal support professionals in Portland, Oregon and the surrounding areas.

NALS of Portland Officers


NALS of Portland (Oregon) holds combined board and membership meetings on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m.  All members are encouraged to attend.  For meeting information, please email


Click here for event information and registration.

Professional development seminars are presented via Zoom unless otherwise noted.  Days, times, and formats may vary to accommodate our speakers. Topics include soft skills, technology, or practice specific topics for legal support professionals.  We also offer Tips & Tricks sessions, which are interactive, collaborative presentations by NALS members for NALS members.  Some Tips & Tricks sessions often serve as the technology component to topics presented by our guest Speakers. General educational seminars are open to anyone in the legal community. Tips & Tricks sessions are only open to NALS members.

To become a NALS Member visit NALSNational Association for Legal Support Professionals.

For information, please email

Resources, industry-related articles, how-to clips and much more shared through our Facebook page.

NALS of Portland (Oregon)
P.O. Box 983
Portland, OR 97207