Education is offered many different ways for NALS members. There are conferences and seminars presented on the local, state, and national levels, online courses presented by NALS, and articles by legal experts on relevant legal topics.
NALS of Oregon conferences are held throughout the State of Oregon. Please visit our meetings page for more information, including specific dates and topics.
Educational conferences are also presented around the nation. Please visit NALS…the association for legal professionals for more information.
Education is also available through the following member benefits:
- @Law Magazine from NALS. Members receive this award-winning publication quarterly.
- Affinity Programs – Members enjoy discounts on a variety of goods and services.
- Certification – Accreditation for everyone, whether beginning a new career or enhancing your current one.
- ALP (Accredited Legal Professional) – the basic certification for legal professionals
- PLS (Professional Legal Secretary) or CLP (Certified Legal Professional)
- Professional Paralegal -advanced certification
- Career Center – A national resource for legal staff and law firms to find the perfect match . . . another benefit offered free to members.
- The NALS Docket – A bi-weekly electronic newsletter sent to all NALS members who provide an email address, which includes timely information and details of NALS activities, with links to educational information and topics of interest to legal support staff.
- NALS Online Learning Center – Education and personal development offered on a variety of subjects with the added bonus of networking across the United States.
- NALS also presents a host of other professional development programs including the Legal Training Course, Online Study Group, and college credits.
For additional questions regarding education, please email Diana M. Chin, NALS of Oregon Education Director at